Game Duration: As stipulated on the league registration page
Number of Players on the field: 5 players total. 4 field players plus a goalie.
Substitutions: Substitutions may occur at any time during the game. Players must sub and off at the same location to not incur an advantage
No Slide Tackling
Heading allowed at U12 and above ONLY. Any contact with the head of a younger player results in an indirect free kick from the place of the infraction
Yellow Card and Sit for 3 minutes (with no replacement of player) OR until the opposing team scores a goal
Red Card - must sit out the remainder of that game and the next game. (Cannot sub for red card in that game - team plays short that game.)
No off-sides
No Fighting: Immediate Red card for fighting & banned from the league for the rest of the season (no refunds).
Goalies: No punts or drop kicks of the ball.
Re-Starts: With the exception of a penalty kick, goal kick and corner kick, all re-starts are indirect. Penalty kicks are taken at center of the line of the penalty box parallel to the goal line
Sideline out of bounds is KICK IN BELOW THE WAIST OF THE PLAYER THAT IS PLAYING THE BALL INBOUNDS. Opposing players must be at least 3 yards back from the ball.
Beverages on the field - ONLY WATER in plastic or non-glass containers.
No spectators inside the netting and only in designated areas. ALL non-players must remain outside the netting.
All other FIFA Rules are in place.
All players MUST be registered and sign a waiver - NO EXCEPTIONS.
NO disrespecting of players or referees will be tolerated. River Sports Center may remove a player or team from a league with NO REFUNDS if this rule is violated.
River Sports Center – Turf Field Rules
No food or drinks (except water) permitted on the turf field
No chewing gum, candy or sunflower seeds permitted on the turf field
No Spitting!!
No metal cleats permitted on turf field. Rubber or plastic cleats only. However, cleats are preferred over turf shoes given the quality of the turf
During games and practices, only coaches and players are permitted within the turf area.
Parents, siblings and friends of players MUST remain outside the netted turf area at all times! No Children inside netted area for safety reasons.
All teams should clean-up after games and practices. Empty bottles should NEVER be left behind on or near the fields. Parents and spectators should use receptacles provided.
Game Duration: As stipulated on the league registration page
Number of Players on the field: 9 players total. 8 field players plus a goalie.
Substitutions: Substitutions may occur on any stoppage of play (out of bounds, foul, etc). Referee must be aware of substitutions.
No Slide Tackling:
1st Offense: Yellow Card and Sit for 5 minutes (can sub for yellow card)
2nd Offense: Red Card and must sit out next game. (Cannot sub for red card in that game - team plays short that game.)
No off-sides
No Fighting: Immediate Red card for fighting & banned from the league for the rest of the season (no refunds).
Goalies: No punts or drop kicks of the ball.
Re-Starts: With the exception of a penalty kick, goal kick, and corner kick, all re-starts are indirect. Penalty kicks are taken at center of the line of the penalty box parallel to the goal line
Sideline out of bounds is THROW IN back into play.
Beverages on the field - ONLY WATER in plastic or non-glass containers.
No spectators inside the netting and only in designated areas. ALL non-players must remain outside the netting.
All other FIFA Rules are in place.
All players MUST be registered- NO EXCEPTIONS.
NO disrespecting of players or referees will be tolerated. River Sports Center may remove a player from a league with NO REFUNDS.
River Sports Center – Turf Field Rules
No food or drinks (except water) permitted on the turf field
No chewing gum, candy or sunflower seeds permitted on the turf field
No Spitting!!
No metal cleats permitted on turf field. Rubber or plastic cleats only. However, cleats are preferred over turf shoes given the quality of the turf
During games and practices, only coaches and players are permitted within the turf area.
Parents, siblings and friends of players MUST remain outside the netted turf area at all times! No Children inside netted area for safety reasons.
No dogs or other animals permitted on the turf field.
All teams should clean-up after games and practices. Empty bottles should NEVER be left behind on or near the fields. Parents and spectators should use receptacles provided.